Colorado Trail Challenge (486 Virtual Miles in the Summer of 2021!)

Trophy Case for Easier said than run




Team; quarter of the way
Not unlocked yet!
Team; Half way!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; 3/4 of the way!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; DONE! Finish line acheived!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; quarter of the way!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; Halfway!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; 3/4 of the way done
Not unlocked yet!
Team; Done! Finisher's Trophy
Not unlocked yet!
Team; quarter of the way
Not unlocked yet!
Team; Half Way!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; 3/4 of the way done!
Not unlocked yet!
Team; DONE! Finisher's Trophy
Not unlocked yet!

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